X Marks The Spot (Reversible)
Inscribed in embroidery "Jean Johnston"
Dated: "1899"
78 x 78 inches
Origin unknown; Found in Ohio
Excellent Condition
There is so much happening on the front of this unique (reversible) composition,
I have decided to simply nickname it The "X" Quilt.
Multiple borders surround the handsome center field, full of rectangles; each rectangle is embellished with a hand embroidered "X"
Borders follow: Rectangles, Log Cabins, Crazy Quilt corners, and Roman Stripes.
The front is inscribed with a name: "Jean Johnston" and a date: "1899."
Jean Johnston may have made the quilt, but without provenance, we simply don't know. For example, sometimes a name on a quilt is that of the recipient of a quilt honoring or them, or otherwise signifying the owner.
There's a second cool quilt on the reverse! The back of this tied quilt is another Central Medallion design, also graphic, and executed with in cottons, and with quite a different sets of colors.
Excellent Condition. Ready to hang on a wall. It looked great on mine!